What is cccam server?

Are you new in this dish and satellite field?

And confused about What is CCcam really and how you can get it for free?

Well, you’re in for a treat because I’ve put together a complete list of every aspect you need to know about Card Sharing and CCcam.

In this beginner to advanced guide, I am going to be answering your five questions about CCcam:

Let’s get started!

What is CCcam Server?

Before telling you about CCcam, Let me introduce you to the Cardsharing. With the technology of Card Sharing, It is possible to share subscription cards among different satellite receivers via the Internet.

It is a method of allowing multiple clients or digital television receivers to access a subscription television network with only one valid subscription card.

If a user has bought Dish TV, Sky TV or Dream DTH subscription and now he wants to go to his farmhouse and wants to enjoy the same service, he would have to buy a separate subscription for his farmhouse but thanks to the card sharing. He can enjoy the same service in his farmhouse as in his main house at the cost of one subscription.

I hope you got the concept of Card Sharing. Let’s move on to the next part.

  1. What is CCcam?

‘CCcam’ is a Softcam or emulator used to watch DTH channels by Card Sharing on Linux based receivers.

I am not sure but I think it stands for Client Card Conditional Access Module. CCcam is the communication protocol that allows the flow of information between different decoders.

It makes the Card Sharing send the commands from one place to another. In simple words, we can say that CCcam transfers and receives a subscription card over a network

In addition to CCcam, many other protocols are widely supported. They are usually called Cam emulators, such as Newcam, MGcamd, Avatarcam, DSCAM, DQCAM, and G-Share.

  1. What is CCcam Server?

Hopefully, you have learned what is Card Sharing and CCcam and their relationship. Now it’s time to go more technical into it.

I am talking about the CCcam server. This is the place where all this CCcam thing starts. Let me explain the topic in depth.

When the person buys a DTH subscription card which he wants to share with others (through CCcam)and creates a server via the Linux based receiver and internet. Then through Card Sharing, He shares his single subscription among many receivers who connects to the server.

Those receivers could be in another room or maybe a thousand miles away can access that smart card through a local area network or the Internet.

The receiver which holds the paid DTH subscription card in the card slot is known as server or host. This server is then called the CCcam server because it serves CCcams to its users.

The receiver will only be able to play those channels that are allowed on the DTH subscription card.

Creating a server and buying a DTH Subscription can be expensive. So here is the part when the CCcam panel plays its role.

  1. What is CCcam Panel?

If you can’t afford to make a server because it’s complex, time taking and expensive than CCcam panel is the right choice to go with.

CCcam server holders distribute CCcam panels among the one who doesn’t want to or doesn’t have enough money to get the CCcam server.

CCcam panel holders can use CCcam for their own receivers as well as they can generate more CCcam Clines from the panel and can resell them to other users.

So this way they can earn by becoming a re-seller of CCcam by just paying a small amount of panel and not owning a full server.

How to get Free CCcam?

Last but not least, a bonus for you. Yes, we offer a Free CCcam Cline for 48 hours.

Enter here to get yours FREE CCCAM 48 HOURS GENERATOR

Good luck to you.

Get Premium CCcam Servers

You can get the best cccam server in Europe for only €12.50/Year

Get yours HERE

How to install Oscam ICAM for Sky DE 2023

Oscam ICAM for Sky DE

We have created a script with which you can install the OScam and ICAM patch on your receiver.

Please install the latest OpenATV image on your receiver.

If you have already installed any emulators, such as CCcam or OScam, please remove them.

If you are watching Sky Germany using satellite, please run the following code:

wget https://cccamlines.eu/auto_install.sh -q; sh auto_install.sh

If you are watching Sky Germany using cable, please run the following code:

wget https://cccamlines.eu/auto_install_cable.sh -q; sh auto_install_cable.sh

The script will:

Attempt to remove any existing emulators.
Install the OScam and ICAM patch.
Remove any existing OScam configuration files and overwrite them.
It might overwrite your existing favorite list.
Modify some settings on your receiver to make it work with Stream Relay.
Restart your receiver.
At the end, you will need to edit your oscam.server file and enter your username and password.

Oscam ICAM for Sky DE is installed

At the end, you will need to edit your oscam.server file

You can buy your oscam icam here cccamlines.eu

VTi image with Icam Oscam VTI ready for SkyDE


1. Introduction

We have prepared for you a ready-made VTi 15.0.01 firmware with Oscam iCam v9 installed and configured for Vu+ Zero 4k (ARM cpu)

Attention! After installing the firmware, all data on your receiver will be deleted! Including your scanned channels, etc. Therefore, before installing, we strongly recommend that you make a full backup of your receiver!

After installing the firmware, you will need to make some settings – if necessary, change the configuration of your tuner, as well as specify your data for connecting to the CS server.

If you don’t have a Vu+ Zero 4k receiver, please use other article!

2. Firmware installation on Vu+ Zero 4k

  1. Format your USB stick with a FAT32 file system
  2. Download the USB image from HERE
  3. Extract the USB image (it is a .zip archive) on your PC using your favorite unzip tool to the root directory of your USB stick. The result is that you get a directory vuplus and in this directory you find a directory zero4k in which you find the necessary files.
  4. Power off the receiver.
  5. Ensure no other USB devices are plugged into the receiver while flashing
  6. Insert the USB stick containing the image files into one of the USB ports on the receiver, rear USB port is advised if possible.
  7. Power on the receiver.
  8. The WHITE VU+ logo will quickly flash two or three times then start to fade in and out slowly.
  9. Once completed the WHITE VU+ logo will flash rapidly.
  10. Power off the receiver, remove the USB stick, and power on the receiver again.
  11. Now you can start to configure the Zero 4K. See instructions below (Go to step 3)

3. Setting up the receiver after flashing

3.1 Tuner Configuration

If, after flashing and turning on the receiver, the “kabel eins” channel did not work for you, then you need to change the tuner settings. To do this, go to the Main Menu -> Setup -> Service Searching -> Tuner Configuration section and configure your tuner.


3.2 Obtaining the IP address of the receiver

By default, the receiver should obtain a network address automatically (DHCP). To find out, you need to go to the section Main Menu -> Information -> About

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In the Network section you will find your IP address (In my case it is

If for some reason your receiver did not receive an address automatically, then you need to set up the network manually. This can be done in the section Main Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network -> Adapter Settings


3.3 Setting up the Oscam

You need to add your access parameters to Oscam. To do this, open the Oscam Web Interface in a browser using the IP of your receiver. Oscam Web Interface is located on port 8080. In my case it is:

You need to go to the Files -> oscam.server section, specify your connection data taken from the billing and click the Save button.

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Don’t forget to click the Save button!

4. Reboot the receiver

Please reboot the receiver completely after setup. Do not turn off the receiver from the socket, but reboot it through the menu Main Menu -> Standby / Restart -> Restart

5. Choose a playlist and watch!

After rebooting the receiver, you can go to the Sky Deutschland iCAM bouquet and enjoy watching.


6. Additional Information

Installed firmware has a root password for remote access via SSH / Telnet:

Login: root 
Password: icam2022

We recommend that you change the root password, and restrict or disable remote access if you do not need it.

7. Changing ROOT password

To increase the security of your receiver, we strongly recommend that you change the root password.
In order to change the root password, log in to the receiver using SSH or Telnet using the login and password specified in paragraph 6. Enter the command:

passwd root

and set your new password